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अंतर्राष्ट्रीय श्रमिक दिवस – 2020

[English below]

साल 2020 को कोरोना का साल कहा जा सकता है. और इस आंधी ने समाज के कई खिड़की और दरवाज़े खोले और छिपी हुई सच्चाइयां सामने लाई. कैसे सरकार लाखो मजदूरो को अपने घर से दूर और सड़को पर मरने के लिए छोड़ सकती है, लेकिन हाईवे पर बने स्कूल खोल के उनके रहने खाने का इंतज़ाम नहीं करा सकती. और कैसे प्राइवेट कम्पनियों को लाखों करोड़ो रुपया दिया जा सकता है, लेकिन, प्राइवेट अस्पतालों से फ्री में कोरोना के टेस्ट नहीं कराए जा सकते.

ये सच, ये वर्ग संघर्ष, नया नहीं है. अरबपति वर्ग को खुश रखने के लिए ही इस देश के लाखों मजदूरों से “कर्मचारी” का दर्ज़ा तक छीन लिया गया है, कॉट्रैक्टरों के जाल में फसा दिया गया है. इसलिए हम 12 घंटे काम करके भी अपना घर नहीं चला सकते लेकिन इस देश के अमीर हर 1 घंटे में 3 करोड़ से ज़ादा कमा रहे है. इस वर्ग संघर्ष को अरबपति वर्ग आज जीत रहा है इसलिए लोग भुकमरी, कोरोना और खुदकुशी कर मर रहे है.

लेकिन इस अरबपति वर्ग के लालच और वेह्शत के बावजूद इस समय भी मेहनत और मजदूरी करने वाले वर्ग ने इंसानी जज़्बे की भव्यता को दिखाया है. डॉक्टर, नर्स, सफाई कर्मचारी, डिलवेरी राइडर्स, फ़ोन लाइन सुधारने वाले टेक्निशंस, और ऐसी नौकरियां करने वाले हजारों मजदूर जो अपर्याप्त या बिना सुरक्षा सामग्री के सबको सुरक्षित रखने के लिए अपनी जान जोखिम में डाल रहे है. वो लोगों को मोहल्ला और बस्तियों में घर घर जा कर खाना और ज़रूरी सामान देने वाले. और वो लाखो महिलाए जो बगैर किसी पगार दिन रात घर पर काम कर रही है और इस महामारी और लॉकडाउन का सबसे ज़ादा बोझ उठा रहीं है.

इस इंसानियत और एकता के जज़्बे का एक संगठित रूप मुक्तिवादी एकता मोर्चा है. अरबपति वर्ग अपनी ताकत बढ़ाने और अपने लक्ष्य हासिल करने के लिए संगठित है और रोज़ इस वर्ग संघर्ष को लड़ रहा है. अगर श्रमिक वर्ग को अपना जीवन बेहतर बनाना है, ये डर, भूख और ज़िल्लत के जीवन से बहार निकलना है और एक ऐसी दुनिया बनानी है जहाँ गरीबी ना हो और इंसान के साथ इंसानो की तरह बर्ताव किया जाए, ना की औज़ार या जानवर की तरह तो हमें भी संगठित होना पड़ेगा.

समय बैठ कर इंतज़ार करने का नहीं है. कोई किसी को बचाने नहीं आएगा. जो भी ये कहे की वो तुम्हे बचाने आया है, सबसे पहले उससे बचो. सिर्फ हम खुद खुद को बचा सकते है. इस मजदूर दिवस पर मुक्तिवादी एकता मोर्चा से जुड़े और अपने, अपने वर्ग और इंसानियत के बेहतर भविष्य की लड़ाई का हिस्सा बने.


The year 2020 can be called the year of corona virus. This storm broke many windows and doors of society and brought out the hidden truths. How  government can  leave millions of workers to die in their homes and on the streets, but they can’t make arrangements for their stay and food on closed schools along the highways. And how private companies can be given millions of crores of rupees, but free corona testing cannot be carried out in private hospitals.

This class struggle is not new. To keep the billionaire class happy, even the status of ’employee’ has been snatched from millions of workers of this country, who remain trapped in a web of contractors. So we can’t run our homes even by working 12 hours but the rich in this country are earning more than 3 crores every hour. The billionaire class is winning this class struggle today, which means people are dying of hunger, corona, and suicide.

But despite the greed and barbarism of this billionaire class, the hard work of the working class has shown the grandeur of the human spirit. Doctors, nurses, cleaning staff, delivery riders, phone line technicians, and thousands of workers who are risking their lives and working without safety equipment to keep everyone else safe. Also, those who are distributing food and essential supplies to homes and settlements. And the millions of women working at home day and night without wages while bearing the highest burden of this epidemic and lockdown.

Muktivadi Ektra Morcha (Libertarian Unity Front) is an organized form of this human spirit and unity. The billionaire class is organized to increase its strength and achieve its goal and is fighting this class struggle every day. If the working class has to make its life better, to get out of the life of fear, hunger, and humiliation and to create a world where there is no poverty and humans are treated as humans, not as tools, objects, or animals then, we too have to organize ourselves.

This is not the time to sit and wait. No one is coming to save anyone. Whoever says that he has come to save you, firstly save yourself from them. Only we can save ourselves. Join Muktivadi Ekta Morcha on this Workers’ Day and be part of the struggle for a better future for yourself, your community, and humanity.

कोविड -19 महामारी के सम्बन्ध में मांग और बयान।

[English below]

कोरोनावायरस और बगैर समुचित व पर्याप्त व्यवस्था के लागू किए गए लॉकडाउन का असर मजदूर वर्ग पर घातक साबित हो रहा है। सिर्फ दिल्ली में ही एक लाख मजदूरों को काम बंद होने के कारण घर पर बिना पगार बैठना पड़ रहा है। यही नहीं, रेल व अंतर्राज्यीय बस जैसे सार्वजनिक यातायात के साधनों के बन्द किए जाने की वजह से बहुत सारे मजदूरों को सैकड़ों किलोमीटर पैदल अपने गाँव वापस लौटना पड़ रहा है! यह संकट मध्य प्रदेश में भी उतना ही गंभीर है।

स्वास्थ्य कर्मचारी इस संकट में सबसे अगली लाइन में खड़े हैं। सरकारी तन्त्र की लापरवाही के कारण उनके पास पर्याप्त सुरक्षा साधन भी नहीं हैं। इसके अलावा, तमाम तरह की ज़रूरी सेवाएँ लोगों तक पहुँचाने वाले मज़दूर भी लगातार खतरे का सामना कर रहे हैं।

मुक्तिवादी एकता मोर्चा उनके साथ मिलकर केंद्र व मध्य प्रदेश सरकार से इन असुरक्षित और बहादुर मजदूरों के लिए विशेष सुरक्षा और देखभाल की मांग करता है।

हमारी माँगें:

1. कंपनियां और सरकार यह सुनिश्चित करे कि अनौपचारिक क्षेत्र के मजदूरों को, चाहे उनकी कंपनी उन्हें ‘मजदूर’ का दर्जा देते हों या नहीं, मासिक 7000 रुपए का कामबंदी मुआवजा मिले।

2. उच्च गुणवत्ता वाले सुरक्षा गियर – मुखौटा, दस्ताने आदि – सभी डिलीवरी कर्मियों, सफाई कर्मियों और सभी आवश्यक सेवाओं में कार्यरत मजदूरों को मुहैया कराया जाए।

3. इस महामारी के दौरान – और आगे भी – सफाई और डिलीवरी कर्मियों जैसे मजदूरों को नियमित मजदूर का दर्जा मिले और उनकी पगार, डिलेवरी रेट्स और बूस्ट रेट्स बढ़ाएं जाएँ ताकि उन्हें अपने घर को चलाने के लिए 12 घंटे काम ना करना पड़े।

4. अनियमित रोज़गार वाले या बेरोज़गार मज़दूरों को भी न्यूनतम मासिक भत्ता दिया जाए।

5. सभी मज़दूरों के परिवारों और उन पर आश्रित व्यक्तियों को मुफ्त राशन, ईंधन, दवाएँ व देखरेख तत्काल मुहैया कराया जाए।



Coronavirus and the effect of the lockdown implemented without proper and adequate planning are proving fatal to the working class. In Delhi alone, one lakh workers have to sit at home without pay, due to the shutdown.

Not only this, due to the closure of public transport means such as rail and interstate buses, many workers have to return to their villages on foot hundreds of kilometers! This crisis is equally serious in Madhya Pradesh.

Health workers stand in the forefront of this crisis. Due to the negligence of the government machinery, they do not even have adequate protection equipment. Apart from this, the workers delivering all kinds of essential services to the people are also facing constant danger.

The Muktivadi Ekta Morcha (MEM) together with the workers demand from the Central and Madhya Pradesh government special protection and care for these insecure and brave laborers.

Our demands:

1. Companies and the government should ensure that workers in the informal sector, whether their company gives them ‘laborer’ status or not, get a monthly compensation of Rs 7000.

2. High quality safety gear – mask, gloves etc. – should be provided to all delivery personnel, cleaning personnel and workers employed in all essential services.

3. During this epidemic – and even further – workers like cleaning and delivery workers get regular laborer status and increase their wages, delivery rates and boost rates so that they do not have to work for 12 hours to sustain themselves.

4. Minimum monthly allowance should also be given to irregularly employed or unemployed laborers.

5. Free ration, fuel, medicines and care should be provided immediately to all the workers’ families and their dependents.

Principles and Aims


This statement expresses a shared political perspective of Muktivadi Ekta Morcha.

  1. Anti-Capitalism:

MEM stands for the abolition of capitalist system of exploitation. Against its alienating labor, wage system and dictatorship of the boss, any managerial class or the state. We stand for control of the industry, its goods and, services by the workers and the communities.

  1. Anti-Statism:

MEM fights for the replacement of and hence abolition of the straitjacket of the modern nation states. On the one hand the state is the protector of the rich and the bosses, crushing the working class, the peasants and the tribal communities whenever the boss class demands. On the other hand by constant tutelage, control and violence it kills all human initiatives, solidarity and the full development of the individual and the community.

We are against any form of state, even as a means for worker and human liberation. A state can never liberate anyone and can only create a new despotism. We fight to replace this system of total control with the administration of things through the federation of community councils based on voluntary participation.

  1. Anti-Brahmanism:

MEM stands for the abolition of the caste system in all its guises.  The capitalist and statist exploitation in India has been casteist exploitation. This division of human beings and of workers among themselves has crushed all sense of solidarity. Because most people in the oppressed castes are part of the working class, their liberation won’t be complete without liberation from the class system. Nonetheless, the oppressed castes can make gains through struggles within the existing society, as people of the oppressed castes and as members of the working class. As with other specific groups within the working class, we support autonomous Dalit and Adivasi organizations.

Mere ultimate social control over industry, land and society of all might not be enough to end this hierarchy of hierarchies. We also urge worker and community organizations to support the struggles of people who are oppressed on the basis of caste. We support the fight for economic and cultural equality and integration for the oppressed castes and religious communities today and for total abolition of the caste for a truly free and anarchist society.

  1. Queer Liberation and Anti-Sexism:

MEM fights against patriarchy that has enslaved women and non-binary people into the worst kind of slavery. Like casteism, the sexism has divided the workers and human beings into “earner” and “depended”, concentrating wealth, privilege and social control in hands of straight men even within the exploited classes and castes.

Because most women are part of the working class, the liberation of women won’t be complete without liberation from the class system. Nonetheless, women can make gains through struggles within the existing society, as women and as members of the working class. As with other specific groups within the working class, we support autonomous organization of women.

We seek a social environment where people are not trapped by oppressive social norms but are free to develop sexual expressions, gender identities, and relationships that are right for them.

Because oppression based on sexuality and gender is distinct from class oppression, though linked to it, we support autonomous organization to end these forms of oppression. We also urge worker and community organizations to support the struggles of people who are oppressed on the basis of gender identity and consensual sexual relationships.

The struggle for the liberation of women and oppressed sexualities is part of the struggle for a free and egalitarian society.

  1. Internationalism and Anti-Imperialism:

The boss class and the political elites are united globally to find cheaper resources, labor power and markets. With the support of local elites they at once strip the people of one nation of basic human rights, control over resources and life and, good paying jobs in other.

At the same time, direct military intervention and occupation in some countries and regions like Kashmir is killing thousands of workers, artisans and farmers. We support their struggle for political and social autonomy and self-determination, which is essential for any economic struggle, while also organizing for complete abolition of current political and economic regime without which the liberation is not complete.

6 Revolutionary Unionism:

To achieve the above stated goals, MEM takes the path of class struggle and revolutionary unionism.

Revolutionary unionism has a two-fold goal of 1) organizing workers for defense of immediate interests and obtaining improvement in their quality of life and 2) transforming by the means of Social Revolution to a Libertarian Communist, stateless society.

We move towards these goals by creating a structure in which there are neither leaders nor executive power. The revolutionary unions, with the community organizations are not only the means of struggle in current situation; they are also the foundational structures of the new and free society that we carry in our hearts.

Current labor movement in India is flooded with hierarchical unions with union leaders becoming an extension of the management and party affiliated unions, in which the workers are merely a tool for electoral gains. Most of these unions do not support the workers in most precarious jobs and informal jobs. These unions do not see as their task to overthrow the capitalist system by direct, organized yet spontaneous actions. They detest workers self organization and spontaneity – workers creative self-activity.

MEM, like other revolutionary unions fights for the abolition of the wage system and for the control of industry by the workers themselves organizing themselves in a federation of workers unions.

  1. Community Organizing:

The class struggle is not limited to the workplace but also spreads out into the broader community, in areas like housing, gentrification, transportation, pollution, welfare rights, police brutality. To challenge the dominating classes in society, the working class needs a movement that can address these struggles and the issues of the day. We support the development of mass self-managed organizations in the community such as tenant organizations or transit rider unions.

  1. Green Syndicalism:

The imminent climate catastrophe and ecological collapse of much of the natural world will either leave the workers in a horrifying situation and instability from all sides in an unplanned manner or will give them the challenge of transitioning from fossil fuel economy to a cleaner one. The process that has already started all over the world will at once be a struggle of survival for the working class and an opportunity to organize and achieve significant benefits during the transition. The possibility of better jobs and greater workers control in workplace is a possibility and the prospects of a Social Revolution are also not entirely missing.

Both the radical climate movement and the revolutionary workers’ movement share a similar vision of decentralized and regionally federated society and industry, tactics of direct action and, values of autonomy and pluralism. MEM fights for a Just Transition, more workers control and the possibility of the Social Revolution during this period of turmoil and decay.